Navigator Notes: Susan Nolan

Navigator Notes is a Q&A series where we introduce our embedded navigators from across the state and have them share what moves them to help individuals and family access health coverage! This Q&A is with northern Virginia navigator Susan Nolan, who has worked with Enroll Virginia for the last six years. 

Area of service:

Prince William County and other areas in northern Virginia

How long have you worked as a navigator?

I’ve worked as a navigator for six years.

Why do you do what you do?

I have a strong belief that everyone should be able to access health care.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

There are a lot of moments that are rewarding for me. Most of them involve successful enrollments for individuals and families and helping people, particularly those who have been struggling with untreated medical conditions, find coverage for free or at a very reduced cost.

“I have a strong belief that everyone should be able to access health care.”

Why do you feel strongly about helping ensure that individuals and families have access to affordable health coverage?

Because I know there are a lot of employers and types of jobs that do not offer employer coverage and this population has struggled with the most basic of health care. This is another example of the disenfranchisement or a significant number of people residing in the United States.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

The Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion are only the beginning and they do not help everyone. There is still much to be done to create universal access to affordable health care options.